Thursday, January 19, 2012

Out with the old, in with the new!

Imogen spoke about revamping her fridge and clearing out all of the free magnets she has collected over the years from window cleaners, mechanics, power companies etc, etc.
If anyone else out there wants to do the same, I have put together a magnet round up of some of my favorite magnets to inspire you.

1. Five metallic magnets from Rk
2. Studio Fludd magnets - they aren't actually selling these at the moment, but keep checking back in case they re-stock them. (Failing this, make your own!)
3. Glitter magnets made by me - super fun & super easy. 

Posted by Carina / Citta Design team


  1. Hi I have been trying to email but they keep bouncing back, my email

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, we have had a system change over which is why this may be happening. We will be in touch via email soon :) Thanks for letting us know.
